
I bought some to stake in the CubFinance Den and I had zero problems. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's 100% safe and I'm not in a position to advise it, but my personal experience was good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

okay, i do plan to increase my btc stash but i dont want to leave it idle, so if I can pull some of it to the bsc smart chain that would be great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wouldnt see any reason why it wouldnt be safe; well as safe as any other token on there. What makes you think BTCB is any less safe than the ETH on there?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i dunno i was just thinking...the other B looks scary. since bsc is my second most used chain I want most of my coins there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think its safe unless you think Binance is going out of business. Of course there are probably fees to get it in and out but that is normal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta