
Yes for multiple accounts. Premium is going to cost me more than 10 HBD per month. LOL

No volume discounts either.

That makes sense. If you want to game the system you have a per a premium or premiums.

NOt sure it is gaming the system as such. And one is not going to be for me.

I don't know much about it yet. I don't know what benefits it provides or the monthly cost. I'm not sure if I use inleo enough for it to be of value to me. But I am open to the idea to support this platform. Any sources you can link me to?

you can listen to the last AMA to understand the Premium subscription better:

~~~ embed:1711413568225030265?t=v0YxYNpufY1mKVSA97jR1Q&s=19 twitter metadata:a2hhbGthenx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9raGFsa2F6L3N0YXR1cy8xNzExNDEzNTY4MjI1MDMwMjY1fA== ~~~

Khal spoke about it extensively