
Do not spend your Bitcoin. Buy more of it and keep it safe! 😅

lol I probably would have done the same. There was a year I traded 0.5 bitcoin . It gives me sleepless nights 🥴🫠🫠

Haha, sounds like we let go of BTC too early, lol!

Haha you bought bitcoin and sold it off before? Damn! 😂

Don’t let little things weigh you down.

thank you for being you.

If I could ask my past self one question, it might be, "What surprising lessons did you learn along the way that you wish you knew back then?" Reflection is part of the journey. 🕰️🤔

Stop walking with your head down, raise your eyes and look at the world, dare to live without so many fears and finger-pointing.

hmmm. This is worth a rethread. Thanks for sharing this. It is powerful.

I am telling myself not to get too stressed about the future.. because the future will get to sort itself out.

yes, as long as you are doing the right thing, things find a way of sorting themselves out. Just keep working hard and smart.

True fact, I would tell myself this too.

I'll tell myself to follow my gut cause Its mostly right

hmmm...true. I have made several good calls in my lifetime. If only I followed through on most of them, I would be in a very good place right now

go into business by self and do not take on a partner

I'm guessing the business with a partner didn't go so well, are you fixing it or you can't just yet?

sold it a long time ago

I’ll tell my past self not to hate myself just because of little mistakes.

I want to believe you're not like that to yourself anymore. Mistakes are there to be made.

I will tell my past self to trust God's timing because His time is always right.