
not to be afraid of moving for a job

That should be the way I sleep, my mom and I literally slept in the same way.

really? What way please. I might be sleeping wrongly without knowing 🫠

haha not like it's the best way to sleep, but sleeping with stomach down and one hand under the stomach, usually wake-up to blood flow not reaching that hand properly. Hahaha.

Accounting, I got that from my mom, I can give account for every penny I spend

that's why you are my financial manager. Thanks for working for free.

Being kind and generous

Wanting to be in control of everything and planning everything ahead of time so that it goes well. So be detail oriented.

hmmm... Question: do you think if you are not in control things will fall apart? If yes, is that such a bad thing?

Always making sure that the house is clean.
They don't like dirtts.

the subtle act of respondinf to responsibilities st the right time and br accountable for my actions, these have been so helpful so far

One habit I picked up from my parents is to be kind to everyone.

I think this is something positive though. I picked the habit of giving from them