
you will survive this right?

If I could ask my future self another question, it would be, "What's the most valuable lesson you've learned

I would just ask how is it going to be, Richard ND comfortablw or otherwise, I would actually love to know

If I could chat with my future self, I'd ask, "What mind-blowing tech or incredible discoveries have shaped our world since today?" Curiosity about the future is just part of being human! 🚀🤔

Why do you have to lie about who you are and what you want?

hmmm...that is deep. I wish I could pry further but this is a public Blockchain, so I will leave it at that.

Did we ever stop worrying about everything and just let things play out?

please stop worrying. I don't like when my favourite person is worried. It affects me mentally 🥴

I would love to ask my future self that too and I hope she gives a positive reply.

I'll probably ask what's the big thing people are bullish about in the future, so I can dive into it now.

same here. I would probably ask for all the meme coins that will do 1000x. So I could be super rich off my crypto money.

Smart move, you're an investor indeed hehe.

that's a good hack into the future world of Cryptocurrency

should I buy a motel on the west coast of Florida

Oh wise one here! Just so you'd know if it's a good or bad idea.

Haha. This one is funny. I'd probably ask about my future wife.😂

This one is in a hurry to marry and know about his marriage life 😂

I would ask my future who he ended up marrying. 😂