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RE: Fearless and feeless

in LeoFinance • 3 years ago

Why the fuck aren't people using Hive more?

Because it ain't doing 10x every weekend.

but I think that Hive has a good opportunity to capture a decent percentage of that value, by offering a large variety of usecases all held on the one chain and under the one account, with feeless transfers

How does a chain allure a group of speculators who care little about fundamentals? That's the big question. Maybe we should play the De-Fi game? Maybe we can do some of the outrageous things that get people to buy and hodl. We do have substance. We have a lot to offer still asides hype (if we go down that road). Just thinking it loud.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Because it ain't doing 10x every weekend.

Until it does and doesn't come back down :)
I mentioned a Defi solution the other day that I tihnk will work quite well and be far easier for an enduser to navigate and trust, since it is all on platform.