Why I'm Betting on Solana for the Next Crypto Bull Run

in LeoFinance3 months ago (edited)

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Blockchain tech has really shaken things up across business and finance the last few years. But many popular blockchains like Ethereum still struggle with issues like high fees, slow speeds and poor scalability as more users pile on. One project I think cracked the code on these problems is Solana.

Launched back in 2020, the minds behind Solana set out to build a fast, low-cost blockchain that can handle thousands of transactions per second. They did it too - the network clocked over 65,000 TPS recently according to tests! The developers use an interesting proof-of-history setup where nodes record event orders on encrypted hardware, allowing super fast verification and throughput.


By making transactions dirt cheap and lightning quick, Solana unlocks types of decentralized apps that couldn't thrive before. Platforms for trading, lending or even gaming require that smooth user experience Solana provides. And the growth figures already show it - network activity exploded since launching. Billions have been poured into DeFi markets on Solana, and NFT sales volume trails only champion Ethereum these days.

Obviously I don't have a crystal ball, but Solana seems positioned better than any other blockchain I’m watching to ride the wave of the next crypto bull frenzy whenever it comes. It already handled insane growth well before last year’s FTX fiasco triggered the latest crypto winter.once the thaw comes, I bet projects keep flooding to Solana for its mature architecture and welcoming community. With smartphones and the Solana Mobile Stack putting crypto access in more hands, plus 5,000+ projects cooked up so far, the future looks bright for SOL hodlers like me!

The team keeps delivering too - between network optimizations, grant programs to grow the ecosystem, and slick integrated products like the Saga phone, they make blockchain benefits way more tangible for regular folks. Just like iOS and Android took mobile mainstream, I think leading chains like Solana take crypto beyond speculative mania into changing day-to-day business and culture. We’re still early, but I’m calling my shot on SOL!

...For real though, all the technical mumbo jumbo about "scalability" and "innovation" doesn't matter to me at the end of the day. I just want Solana to make me some fat stacks when the next Bitcoin bull run kicks off!

Look, I know the developers talk a big game about "enabling the next generation of Web3 applications", but let's pull back the curtain - they just wanna get filthy rich like the rest of us! All I know is when that insane hype cycle starts again, coins on the Solana network are gonna go parabolic.

We'll have mania pumping DeFi tokens, people aping into new NFT drops, the whole nine yards. And me? I'll be laughing my way to the bank baby! Who cares what fancy new technologies get built on Solana in the meantime - I just need that sweet 10-100X on my holdings when the rocket takes off.

Everybody tries to overcomplicate crypto. But degenerate gamblers like me know the game - buy the hype, sell the news. Well I'm buying all the Solana hype now before the normies catch on! Got my bags packed and ticket punched for the moon ride. All aboard!!

Images from Solana site

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