Cardano Takes the Lead In Development Activity, Hits New All-Time High

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Cardano recently topped the charts in blockchain development activity surpassing other gigantic platforms such as Ethereum and Polkadot. Proof of GitHub, a GitHub metrics measuring tool shows Cardano as number one on the weekly development activity list.

Aside from Cardano, there are many other notable platforms on the list. Kusama, Polkadot, Gnosis, Ethereum, Trust Wallet Token, Status, Solana, Ark, and Elrond also made it to the weekly development activity chart.

In the past months, Cardano has been topping the charts for the number of commits on Github. For those who don’t know, a commit in GitHub is a revision. It is an individual change to a file (or set of files). This means that the more commits, the more development happens.

Cardano topping the chart shows that the Cardano development team may be busy pushing the Alonzo hard fork which is scheduled for August. This update will bring smart contracts functionality to the platform.

According to analyst Lark Davis, the advent of smart contracts in Cardano might mean that the Cardano price will double in August. He tweeted, “cardano smart contracts in August will probably see the price double in triple in the lead up to the event.”

Meanwhile, Cardano hit a new all-time high today. Despite the recent Bitcoin FUD caused by Elon Musk, Cardano stood strong. According to Cardano hit 2.18 US Dollars today.

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