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RE: Flow

in LeoFinancelast month

Man, tell me about it. We had to change from GitLab to GitHub, and move from development on our local laptops to development on a hosted VM in the middle of a project with a deadline of May 21st. It was a freaking nightmare juggling switching shit because Corporate gave the mandate all at the same time as trying to complete our deadline. There were three of us dedicated to the project and we each lost easily 3 full days of dev work to the switches, but not all at once of course... it was like "oh, lose 3 hours here, lose another 1 hour there" etc etc and it made actually making good progress so much harder. Plus then we had normal meetings which are a giant waste of time, and extra meetings because we had to keep getting checked with to see how we were getting along and if we'd hit the deadline. We did manage it, with 3 days to spare, but I definitely felt a lot of frustration with all the interruptions.