
With everything you have bought, you must be worth hundreds of millions now. Congrats!

Yeah... but I can’t cash anything out due to huge Taxes here ... any ideas on that ?

With what you have, pay the tax. What does it matter even if it is 50% tax. Tens of millions in a few months should be enough.

Ok I will try that

You do know the price of Shiba, Akita and Elon right ? It’s easy to buy Millions of these tokens ... they are much cheaper than Dogecoin ever was. Just use your Free Crypto buy other almost free crypto. It’s easy. You only need one to go from .000001 to $1

How do You pay taxes on $ 100 Million from Bitcoin, Dogecoin, ethereum, when your initial investment was zero ? With $$$ From blogging... it’s going to be a mess when I cash out

I recommend you move to Bahamas..... why stay in that godforsaken cold country that tax you for everything! May be buy a small island; why not invite Elon while you are at it?

This is good advice. I am not sure about the Bahamas - but there are several nice tax haven countries around that would be suitable.