
I’ve lost about $3,000 USD so far

Oh dear.

The only CUB I put in was from the airdrop and then from the DEC-BUSD farm so I'm not too concerned about the CUB price at this point. I'm more sad about the DEC I've lost since I would have been earning more SPS from JULY if I hadn't put it in the farm.

I have no idea if the DEC-BUSD farm is going to be moved to Kingdoms so I'm waiting to find that out before I make any more moves.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I converted almost 4 BNB to Cub and put them in the Den... I’m earning a few Cubs every day but if I had left my BNB as BNB I would have had a lot more $$$$ ... oh well. Like many things in crypto you win some and you lose some. I converted $10 USD into 20,000 Dogecoin ... and then $5,000 USD

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Like many things in crypto you win some and you lose some.

It's the only way to earn . . . giving it a go.

converted $10 USD into 20,000 Dogecoin ... and then $5,000 USD

Are you saying you made $5,000 from a $10 investment? 😱

Or that you invested $5010 in Dogecoin? 😂


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I turned $10 into $5,000 ... but the $10 worth of Dogecoin was free from watching Videos on Earncrypto

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Wow. Now that's what I call a result!!! 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Or Pure Luck. I never imagined Dogecoin would ever go to .74 cents .... I sold most of my Dogecoin when it mooned to .01 penny.... but I held on to 20 k by accident when I forgot I had some

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if everything is the same apart from the price that’s not fun!

That's brilliant. Makes the win even better! 😂


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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That’s the benefit of having hundreds of wallets scattered all over the place... unless you lose your keys that is.

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