Take full control of your finances with cryptocurrency.

in LeoFinancelast month

Hello, everyone

Cryptocurrency gave us back the power the government and our native banks took from us. Our government and native banks always want to be in our businesses, especially monitoring our finances and giving us little or no authority over our finances. Cryptocurrency came into existence and changed all that. The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency puts power in the hands of everyone, as we get to decide when we use our money and how we use it without needing to seek permission from the government or banks like they always want us to. The governments of many countries have seen the type power cryptocurrency carries and are doing everything to fight against it, but the truth is that cryptocurrency has come to stay, and no amount of fighting against it will kill it; instead, it gives it more publicity.

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Cryptocurrencies are nothing like our paper money, they are digital currencies which can be used to pay for goods and services, cryptocurrency aims to eliminate the interference of third party that is to say it gives users full authority over their funds. They do not need to request permission from the government or any individual before they can access their funds; they just go ahead and access them whenever they wish. Cryptocurrencies are not dependent on the government, and in cryptocurrency, there is no central authority but instead power is delegated. The level of transparency offered to us by cryptocurrency is one thing our local banks and government cannot offer.

The world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve and is slowly taking the place of our local currencies. These days, many people only walk around with their phones in their pockets and use cryptocurrency to pay for goods and services rendered to them. Nobody is really worried about walking around with paper money anymore, though a lot of people have not jumped on the currency of the future because of how complicated it is to understand, but I can say at least 60% of the world have heard of cryptocurrency and are using it for their everyday lives.

The hive platform is one of the best places you can enjoy the benefits that come with cryptocurrency. The joy of decentralization is experienced on the hive platform. Unlike our local banks, they decide when you get access to your money, how much you can get access to, and will even want to tell you how you should go about spending your money. In the crypto space, you gain full control of your finances; you get to decide what happens to your funds and how you spend them without seeking permission from anyone. Everyone likes decentralization and the freedom that comes with it. Not everyone really enjoys being tossed around and told what to do, especially when it comes to their finances, but that is exactly what these local banks do, and with cryptocurrency in existence, that power of tossing people around is taken from them and put in the hands of the people.

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Realizing that I can actually use HBD from home to get certain services really gladdens my heart. Leaving the house to purchase airtime has always been an issue, but recently I was introduced to how you can use HBD to get yourself airtime using the Hive keychain app and following a few steps. My joy knew no bounds the day I tried it out, and it worked. Cryptocurrency is making life a lot easier for each and every one of us. Spending HBD from home without even needing to leave the house says it all. In this post, I explained a step-by-step process about how to spend HBD using the keychain app. The service is simple, and your airtime is received with the speed of light.

Cryptocurrency is here to stay.

This is my entry for day 11 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I agree with with you, hive channel is also a key place to enjoys cryptocurrency benefits