What Are Your Best Money Saving Tips?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

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Everyone one want to save money for one purpose or another, and sometimes it's so difficult to save because of all the many expenses. Today, I have decided to put together some of my best money saving tips, yes, it's working for me and I really hope it work for you too. With these tips, you will be able to generate ideas about the best way to save your money In your everyday life. Some of my best money saving tips are discussed below, you can share yours with me in the comment section, I look forward to some of your brilliant ideas.

Get Rid Of Your Debt

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When you are trying to budget some of your money for saving but you are still carrying a very huge debt around, I will advice you to start with paying off the debt first, there is nothing as important as financial freedom. The moment you are free from the interest you are paying on your debt, start putting that interest into your savings after clearing your debt. The money that was suppose to be going into the interest of your debt payment every month, is now going into your savings account every month, so, clear every debt you owe first before you start saving that money of yours. That debit alert that would have been taking place in your account every month because of debt, will be converted to a credit alert the moment you first clear your debt.

Create Savings Goals For Yourself

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One of the reasons a lot of persons find it so difficult to save money, is because, they don't know what they are saving for, they don't have a purpose for that money, they are just dumping the money in the account till when they find use for it. One of the finest ways you can save your money is by first deciding what that money is for. Once you have a purpose for the money, you will never try to break from it. Create for yourself a saving target along with a deadline to meet up with the target, this will help you stay focus and true to the it. As long as there is no set goal, you are just wasting your time, something will come up and you will dip your hands into your saving purse, then you will have to start again. Create savings goals for yourself.

Learn To Pay Yourself First

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If you have read The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason, then this statement should not be new to you. How often do you pay yourself? You are always paying others every single day and every minute, but do you pay yourself? When you go to the super market, buy all the things you want, and then pay your bills to the cashier, you have successfully pay the super market, when you see some really nice clothes and shoes in the boutique and you choose to buy them, giving the seller the money for the things bought, again you have successfully pay the seller. We are always buying one thing or the other and we are always paying others, but we forget to pay ourselves. So, how do you start paying yourself? For me, this is what I did, I set up an auto debit from my main bank account to my personal savings account, with a particular payday for that auto debit to take place. I do mine monthly, you can choose daily, weekly which ever you feel will work best for you. For each month, once that money has been debit from my main account, the remaining money will be what I will use to pay others and if after paying others for that month, a fraction of that money still remains, I will send it to my savings account. You honestly don't want to cheat yourself, pay others and also pay yourself, create an healthy long-term savings plan by always paying yourself.

Create An Account That Bears Interest

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When you keep your savings account separate from your checking account, it helps you control how you borrow from your savings account from time to time. If both accounts are in the same place, then there is a problem, because all the money you pay yourself will slowly vanish because you will take from it to pay others. If the goal you create for your savings is long term, I will advise you consider using a product that will produce high rate Interest in the long run, something like PIGGYVEST, this is something I have been using for a while now. So, consider creating an account that bears Interest for long term purposes.

Watch Your Savings Grow

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It one thing to have a saving plan, but it's another thing to monitor your progress to see if you are doing it right. If you review your budget for each month and check your progress every month, it will help you stick to your savings plan and help you not drift from it. This will help you identify some of the areas that need fixing and you will be able to create solutions on how to fix those problems. The moment you understand how to save your money, it will inspire you to even find more ways to save and also help you meet your target very fast.

The difficult part about saving money is always where to start from, I really hope this will help you on your journey to saving. When you know you've saved enough, try to put that money to work, yes, once you've master how to save, it's best you also learn how to invest your money so it yield more money. But first you must become a master of saving, I am still on a journey to becoming a master, and these tips I share with you have been working for me, and I hope it work for you too.

Thanks for reading!

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You have given the best saving tips and I must say that I use cowrywise as my own saving bank which gives me interest daily and it is very okay to use. We must learn to save and not spend everything on us incase of any emergency or the future. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you very much for your reply. Once upon a time, I was using cowrywise also, but I just had to switch to PIGGYVEST for personal reasons. It is very true we have to learn to save, it's very important we know how to. Thanks for stopping by.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

These tips are so useful, I am lucky to come across this post. I am the type that find it hard to save but from these tips you've shared, I will surely do my best to save better.

Thanks for the tip, nice write up and the images used are superb too 👍

I'm happy you find these tips to be very useful. Once upon a time I use to be like you, but not anymore, I am still practicing, but I'm getting better at keeping my purse filled. I hope you get better with your savings with time. Thanks you, and I really love the images too. Thanks for stopping by.

Very valid points. To add to this, don't go into debts in the first place!

True. But then, I the world of business, there is something called good debt and there is also bad debt. “Good” debt is money owed for things that can help build wealth or increase income over time, such as student loans, mortgages or a business loan. “Bad” debt refers to things like credit cards or other consumer debt that do little to improve your financial outcome. You can read more about good and bad debt here. It depends on what the debt is all about in the first place, because not everyone have someone to support them while trying to achieve their dreams, others struggle on their own. So, I think I what I will add to your point is, don't go into debt if it is definitely a bad debt, and if you must borrow in the first place, don't loan money that is more than your monthly earning. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it's nice having you here.

Learnt something new today thanks to you

You're welcome, I'm happy to share knowledge, and always open to accept as well. Thanks once again for stopping by.