Passive crypto income in a volatile crypto market

in LeoFinancelast year

There is a lot of volatility going down in the crypto market these days. It is challenging for investors to navigate in such a time, but one could find stable income streams despite the high volatility. In today’s post I will elaborate on some passive income strategies that could generate some passive income even though tokens and crypto currencies are approaching all-time lows.

Staking HBD in your savings account

Correct, I am talking about HBD Stablecoin Staking. HBD is pegged to a stable asset, more specifically the Hive token itself. Staking HBD involves holding them in designated wallets to earn staking rewards. Here, on the Hive blockchain you could earn 20% interest annually by staking HBD under your savings account in your personal wallet. In this market it will offer you stability, as HBD value remains relatively constant. By staking HBD, you can earn regular returns, in this case you can claim your portion of HBD every 30 days, and your savings account will grow slowly and steadily. Lately, my primary focus has been centered around staking HBD to receive an annually passive income of ish 20%, a bit more.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Correct again, another navigation you could do to earn passive income in crypto is through Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi platforms facilitate peer-to-peer lending and borrowing of cryptocurrencies. You basically need to provide liquidity by lending your digital assets and earn interest on the holdings. Despite market volatility, there is a constant demand for lending and borrowing within the crypto ecosystem. DeFi lending platforms often employ automated systems that adjust interest rates dynamically based on market conditions, ensuring a balance between supply and demand. Speaking by experience, Binance provides a wide range of staking options, offering the potential for substantial interest earnings on your holdings.

Dividend-paying Tokens

Lately, I've been intrigued by dividend-paying tokens, a method I recently came across. Certain crypto projects distribute dividends to token holders, offering various perks. These dividend payments can generate a passive income stream that remains unaffected by market volatility, although it's important to note that the token price may vary, resulting in different payout amounts. By conducting thorough research and investing in projects with sustainable models, you have the potential to earn consistent income, even during turbulent market conditions. One of my recent investments on the Hive blockchain was in the @Psyberx game, Serfdom and Sorcery. I acquired a few farms and labs within the game, which now generate a substantial number of tokens daily. This has resulted in a significant amount of passive income each month, adding to the overall success of my investments.

Automated Bots - Splinterlands

Automated Bots, such as the ones used in platforms like Splinterlands, employ sophisticated algorithms and to autonomously execute battles based on predefined strategies. These bots can capitalize on win rate in @Splinterlands, and it is all about how good the strategies can get. This move represents a great opportunity to generate passive income, especially if you do not have the time to play that much yourselves. Splinterlands is just an example, there are many other bots you can take advantage of, such as trading bots. While these bots offer the potential for lucrative gains, it is crucial to carefully consider and assess the associated risks before engaging in such activities. Additionally, look for reputable and secure platforms, and actively monitoring the bots performance - it is crucial to mitigate potential losses.

Tokenized land assets

Tokenized land assets present an innovative opportunity within the crypto space. By representing traditional land, commodities, or art as digital tokens on the blockchain, individuals can participate in earning passive income. These tokens often provide regular perks and benefits, particularly when the project introduces new developments or initiatives. For instance, in the @Psyberx ecosystem, tokenized land ownership can lead to airdrops such as crates containing five cards and other valuable tokens. Personally, I invested in a commercial plot in the Psyberverse here on Hive and have never regretted it. The airdropped crates, tokens, and other perks I receive from time to time add to the excitement, and I eagerly anticipate the team's updates to explore where I can capitalize on my tokenized commercial land plot.

Final thoughts

While passive income in crypto can offer stability and potential returns in a volatile crypto market, it's crucial to approach them with caution. Risk management, thorough research, and diversification are essential to mitigate potential losses. Thorough research has been a fundamental aspect of my investment approach in blockchain projects. Prior to executing any orders, I ensure that I have made deep analysis of the project/token/crypto. In my humble opinion it is crucial to understand the reputation of the team and the security of the platforms in which I choose to invest. By scrutinizing these factors, I aim to mitigate risks that align with my investment strategy. Moreover, staying updated on market trends, regulatory developments, and technological advancements is crucial for me. The crypto market is merciless, and adaptability is key to navigating the ever-changing landscape successfully.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


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