PsyberX is on the verge of launching the highly anticipated game, Psyber Decks!

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

Psyber Decks? You might be thinking it's some kind of electronic music that fuses techno, trance, and other genres with psychedelic and mind-bending themes. Or maybe you thought it was a virtual or augmented reality experience that blends meditation, visualization, and psychotherapy to create an immersive and transformative journey. Or maybe you thought it was a mix of both. But I'm here to tell you, it's none of that. Psyber Decks is something entirely different, and it's geared towards gamers like us!


Have you ever heard of @Splinterlands? If not, no worries! It's a cool game that combines elements of collectible card games and auto-battlers. In the game, you collect and trade cards that represent different units, heroes, or abilities, and use them to build your own customized deck. Once you've got your deck all set up, you can deploy your units into battle and see how they will do against your opponents! Psyber Decks is similar to @Splinterlands in that it's also a card trading auto battler game, so if you're a fan of @Splinterlands, you'll definitely want to check out Psyber Decks too!

Moreover, when you're playing Psyber Decks, you'll see battles that are completely automated, with the computer controlling your units and those of your opponents. The main goal of the game is to use your strategic and tactical skills to build the strongest deck possible, so you can defeat your opponents and earn a ton of the LVL token (In-game cryptocurrency).

In Psyber Decks, you can play against other players in real-time battles right from your web browser, and the best part is that it's all at your own pace! If you're familiar with games like Hearthstone, then you know what you're in for. The game is free to play, but there are in-game purchases or microtransactions that can help you obtain more cards or other items. However, unlike other games, Psyber Decks is purely NFT driven. This means that you need to own or rent NFTs to play, but don't worry, owning NFTs has its advantages! You can buy, sell or trade NFTs on the PsyberX Marketplace whenever you want, so it's not really a barrier, it's more like an opportunity to make some sweet profits while you play.

Remember when I told you in the start that Psyber Decks is like Splinterlands? Well, it is, but with a twist. Get ready for some high-stakes action, because Psyber Decks is introducing something called 'wager bets'. That's right, two players can agree to put some serious lvl tokens on the line and bet on the outcome of their battle. It's like sports betting, but way more awesome because it's all about the cards. And let's face it, we gamers love a good bet when there's a clear and measurable outcome. Psyber Decks battles just got even more exciting!

Still not sure what I am talking about?

Let's say two friends, @bobthebuilder2 and @conan123, place a wager on the outcome of a battle in Psyber Decks. If @bobthebuilder2 wins, @conan123 is obligated to pay a predetermined amount. But that's not all - spectators can also participate and place bets on the outcome, particularly in high-stakes matches. The winner of the wager is determined solely by the game's result: if @bobthebuilder2 wins, those who wagered on him receive the payout, and vice versa if @conan1234 wins.

I must apologize for any misinformation provided earlier regarding spectators at Psyber Decks, especially to you @klye (we have discussed it earlier). While the concept of spectators is not currently available in the game, it is possible that this feature could be implemented in the future. Such a feature would undoubtedly add value to the community and enhance the overall player experience. I am excited to see the potential developments and advancements that @PsyberX may bring to the gaming industry. In my opinion, this is an incredibly intriguing development that we haven't seen before on Hive, or at least not to my knowledge.

Join in on the fun!

To join in on the fun of the upcoming game, Psyber Decks, players will require some NFTs and a brave spirit. The exact number of NFTs needed for a match is not yet clear, but players can purchase crates at a discounted rate of 75% on the PsyberX Marketplace to help get started. It's important to note that this discount will not be available forever and will eventually revert to normal pricing once Psyber Decks launches.

Although there is no official launch date for Psyber Decks, @klye has hinted that it may be released on March 4th, 2023, indicated by the code "32022023" (although it may not be possible to decode, LOL!). Once the game is released, players can then earn LVL tokens, which will by the way not only have utility in Psyber Decks but across four games in total (PsyberX, Psyber Decks, Psyber Towers and Psyber Sects), now we are talking.

If you're ready to join in on the action, head over to the Discord channel to get started. With multiple games and plenty of players to compete against, there will be no shortage of battles to be fought in the world of Psyber Decks.

Are you ready to play?

Who Am I And Why Am I Here?

I am Olebulls and I’m working in IT and Finance. I’ve always been passionate about finance and finding smart ways to manage and save money. I believe establishing money management strategies as early as possible is the key to securing your future. I began using different strategies myself in real estate, stocks and crypto and I have now built some decent amounts.
I’m here to create content about finance, crypto, game-fi and money management.
Pleas follow me if you want to learn something valuable about these topics.
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. I am not an expert. You should do your own research before investing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


No need to apologize to me captain. I'm not one to be offended by people talking shit generally, people have opinions and at the time of spouting things off most feel justified in doing so. lol @ the Psyber Decks name sounding like some sort of electronic music thing, for the EDM / DJ types that is certainly a possible correlation. Making music and spinning records is something I did in the past, good times but hard to make a living at!

It's been a hell of a build to get it going so far, had to build a whole API system to turn the HE NFTs into something tangible / useable across a variety of games and to hold UE5 data. No one had built anything similar so it was a lot of design / engineering / prototyping to get that to go. Then had to get the blockchain syncing / updating of the API database stuff from HIVE going, lots of custom_json stuff to parse and get stuffed into the DB. From there had to build out the server side stuff for the Decks game.. Lobby creation, matching, history, inventory systems, HIVE blockchain emissions, wager transaction ID checking, card validity on matches when players set cards, nearly 100 sanity checks, game outcomes, keeping record of the stuff, player logins, then all the client side / UX stuff as well which I can't even begin to list here as it would take me 20 minutes to lay out in a human readable format.

What is a simple button click on the client side / browser side stuff can have hundreds or thousands of lines of code performing the function server side to emit the outcome back to the client browser. Most people don't care how it works, they just care that it works!

The game itself has been "operational" about 2 months at this point, but I'm trying to make sure the user experience and technical side of things are damn near as impeccable as one man can do before it sees a proper v1.0 release. Lots of people seem to be excited at the concept of the game and having a more social and visceral experience over stuff like Splinterlands, not to wag my finger at them though.. Decks is certainly taking direct inspiration from what the SL team built, Decks genetics is undeniably based off of the Splinterlands experience, but with a greater emphasis on letting players put their money and cards where their mouth is and play high stakes games if wanted.. It will not be required to wager or put up your cards to battle, but if the want arises, the option is there.

The 3rd party match betting and viewing is certainly up there on my to do list.. This past week I managed to get the Psyber Decks database models mostly implemented and working which will certainly help in keeping track of things. The API database tracks a lot of user stuff, but then there is an additional Decks only data database that I've been building up as well. There is only so much tracking / API calls one can do to a single DB before it becomes a diminishing returns scenario performance wise.

Everything that goes on games wise is cryptographically provable.. There is no ability for the site to manipulate outcomes or rig matches, which was a huge development point for me, if you're going to build something that people can face off on in a winner takes all scenario, it has to be done with fairness and legitimacy in mind.

If you peep the @psyber-decks account on you can see a lot of the testing stuff that has been going on, more transparency and chain emission will certainly happen as we ramp up towards getting alpha testers from outside RR studio involved. It's getting closer each week and I'm hoping that within the next week or so we're to the point where it's not so unpolished it gets distasteful review.. The game is playable and in alpha testing now, but only as closed alpha testing and so far only the firm has had access to it. Still a few components left to implement before it's production ready.

And with that I'm back to the opening statement but instead of you apologizing to me, I'm apologizing to the readers for the massive wall of text. I'm off to go do some QA and a few more API tie ins and do some login security work (Getting 2FA going for Decks is a must!)

I'm looking forward to getting Decks going as well as the other games using the same HE NFT items, the scope of all of this is massive but the boys are working hard on the other games and I'm swamped with things to implement and test, but it's getting closer every day. When this stuff is released I'm also looking forward to finishing off some of my own projects that have been back-burnered in order to get this Psyberverse stuff operational!

Thanks for the mention and hype. It's posts like this that make the development cycle of all these different moving parts less agonizing as the lone contractor who was brought in to make sure all the things that need be built and working together are doing so. Cheers!

Thanks Klye for a rare glimpse behind the curtain! We are all very appreciative for all your efforts and super excited to be the first to play :)

What a comment 😆😙

Sometimes people aren't completely aware of exactly how much thought and code goes into making something like a multiplayer blockchain game.. This only scratches the surface.

The codebase for just Decks alone is almost 400K lines of code at this point..
That doesn't include the actual API / Database code to make the HE items into something tangible / useable in a game and watching the chain for state changes to update the DB tracking.

I totally know how much work is behind it and unless you have an AI brain , i have no idea how you people do that.
Very impressive 🌹

Turn simple logic into complex functions.. Visualize the entire system then understand how the code and computer operates down to a low level understanding, then add a solid 2 - 5 layers of abstraction to that to top it off. Add blockchain, API writing and a massive dose of data handling / manipulation of variables in the code, then add the ability to also do front end / GUI / UX design so people have a user interface to work.. And you have a full stack software engineer.

I'm lucky to have the cognitive ability to do this, it comes naturally to some extent as I enjoy problem solving and engineering.. Some days it's fucking soul crushing.. But sometimes when the code flows it's a godlike feeling. Everyone has ideas, not everyone knows how to turn them into something tangible.

Oh..turning it into tangible is almost 0%

Rare are the people who can do stuff like this and do it well.
Drawing dicks i bet helps you a lot 😝
And you are so good at it , i will never EVER forget the piggy in funerals.
I kept it in my ipad😅

MS-Paint art was / is my true calling.. but would be a waste to focus just on artistic endevours when I can do technical stuff too.

LOL. Yeah, taht was classic. The comments of disgust from the contest runner put a smile on my face that no amount of successful projects through code could ever.

blah blah blah make us rich

blah blah blah to you too. :D

You're awesome, @klye! I'm so proud to be on the team with you.

I know! Comment might more words than the post itself LOL

He is a coder 😆

hahah ye, he got 892 words. Pretty slick comment 😎

Haha! That comment definitely deserves a 100% upvote from me. I only wish I had a stronger vote because it's simply amazing! Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed and thoughtful comment. Your contribution not only adds value to my post but also makes it more engaging for the readers, and for that, I am truly grateful.

I understand that it can be challenging for business people to comprehend the hard work that goes into creating something, but your explanation sheds light on the difficulties faced on this road.

I am eagerly looking forward to the game release, @klye, and I have complete faith that you are the right person for the job! It's really cool to see that you're already testing the game and executing transactions on the Hive blockchain. However, it seems that your gaming skills are less valuable than your development skills, haha! I got a kick out of this funny bit of code:
"contractName":"battle","contractAction":"outcome","contractPayload":[{"id":"pd_55a6dcc5d308e31fe51b54ab6607db698ad4e204","winner":"jenkem","loser":"klye","wager":0 🤣

Cheers, mate! Please keep those hefty comments coming under my future posts. It's always a pleasure to read your thoughts and insights 😎

Jenkem is my alt testing account, as I'd initially been testing klye vs klye but had to re-enable the security code to make sure users couldn't match with themselves. :P

Working on API DB chain monitoring stuff here today. Gotta track all Psyber assets from NFTs to LVL transfers and everything in between.. Once I got that working 100% then I can get a "god sync" script going to bring the DB to the current chain state, then from there the hive blockchain scraper and its database update functions should keep us within 3 seconds off the main chain and HE side chain. Getting pretty excited to roll er out.

Cheers captain.

hah make sense 🤣

wow... oh ye, totally agree - soon there 😁

Nice post man!

I hope that March 4th is close to the launch, I'm ready to rumble and use my NFTs. It will be great to have a new way to see your NFTs. I'm looking forward to a peek at how that development has been going. Mabie @bawbthebuilder has some more info on that.


Lips are sealed

gonna be good mate!

Let's gooo



I'll wager the year is the only thing revealed in that coded date😖

Keep up the good work King @olebulls, operahoser(7/15) is appreciative of the time and dedication you put into writing this post. Your efforts are truly valued.

In fact, this post has been so good that @operahoser has sent you 50.0 EXP as a gift! We are your biggest fan!

BTW! EXP! is the token that will unlock the full experience of our games and give you access to all the rewards

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @operahoser

remaining commands 8


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Haha hard to tell🤣🤣

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