More reasons to invest in Crypto, as Banks are having liquidity, network, shutdown, and controllability issues.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

For a long time Banks have been claiming that you can trust them over crypto, that you can just sleep or go to bed, and when you wake up your money could be all gone, making it look like crypto is a huge scam that was designed to clean out its customers and recently due the terra luna crash some crypto exchanges were filing for bankruptcy because they are having liquidation issues, yes, I had to put that out first before I continue with my post before anyone comes to drag me in the comment section but the truth is when you have a cold wallet you are immune to that kind of problem because you own your keys and your crypto, which is clear and undoubtedly out of the reach of any government or bank and you will never have to be caught In any cross fire of any kind, shutdown and bankruptcy, but stand go gain more profit without your accounts getting frozen for no reason, like what the Chinese banks did to the customers, meaning Banks can't be trusted after all as they claim to be.

Tutorial Youtube Thumbnail Make Money - 2022-07-12T043209.320.png

Savings Money In The Bank Doesn't Mean Your Money Is Safe

First was Peter Schiff bank in Puerto Rico which bit the dust when it got shut down by the Puerto Rico regulators for net capital issues and was accused of facilitating tax evasion and money laundering but he claims he didn't do anything like that and that regulatory won't let him sell the bank, a few days ago I read about Canadian banks being down due to network issues, and now Chinese banks have done their customers dirty by freezing their accounts in the city of Zhengzhou, which led to civil unrest and a bit of protest by the citizens, demanding to know why their accounts were frozen just like that, showing how much power and control that banks have over your own money you are saving in the bank.

I like as the bank customers are protesting in Zhengzhou as it should be over the freezing of bank accounts, which is not fair. in my opinion, the banks pulled off a Ponzi scheme move freezing up to $2.2 Billion since April telling their users that they were doing an upgrade, WTF what kind of bank update or upgrade that takes more than one week or this long, since April until date. the bank customers gathered outside the Zhengzhou branch of China's central bank to demand for answers and solutions, I really feel bad for them.


Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is so pathetic.

I wonder how some so called bank entity or financial firm have power over your own money more than you do.

And it's not as if when you even save your money in the bank you get it back in full.

Your money will just always be chopped off for one reason or the other.

I think they should just scrap away anything called bank. People were surviving in the past without bank establish.

There is no rule that says we won't survive in absence of a bank.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta