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RE: Died Suddenly

in LeoFinancelast year

Yeah, when the world's richest most powerful people state publicly and often that they want the Earth to have a few billion less people than it has now, I believe them.

And yes, I'm pretty much the ubermensch for refusing to be vaxed OR masked. I did lose a pretty good job over the mask.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good to hear others refused the kill shot. I understand how people believed the "science" though. It's hard to think that every leader, celebrity, scientist, Dr., etc. were on board and those that weren't were silenced or worse.

I hope we can recover, but if they were evil enough to do this I have no doubt they will start WWIII to keep power.

Exactly! The only hope I have for the future is carving out an enclave of community in Wyoming that will resist this garbage. I have ZERO hope that the US government ever gets reformed into something positive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta