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RE: The World Is Getting Ready For Web3...

in LeoFinance5 months ago

This is a good but inevitable development. But I guess the biggest reason on why they always return to Web2, is because for successful creators, Web2 earnings are still better than Web3. I don't think Web3 has Twitch alternatives, and 3Speak doesn't garner as much views as Youtube. For smaller creators though, I have seen some posts detailing that Peakd earnings are better than what they are getting.

I am curious with Inleo though. I heard they have the premium service, and they share their ad revenue. Since it is in the early stages I can see the split of the creators can be higher. But once it gets popular, will it suffer the same fate as these big corporations, where they pocket most of the ad revenue?


That is all true, for now. However, we have to remember we are paid out in assets that could appreciate. With Web2, you get cash. It is great to pay bills but a 2x in HIVE means the rewards that were received just doubled (if the coin is still held).