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RE: The Power Of Networking In A Decentralized World

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The relations with other people play an important role on everything related with life. If you don't have social abilities and understanding of how the world operates then you will have a hard way in life, of course this extends to the crypto world and having a good network it's not only a source of income but also describes who you are. More precisely the people that surrounds you, that have any social contact with you tells more to others that anything you could say about yourself.

To be clear here, a good network will be about more than just increasing your earnings, but let's be honest for once, we are all here because we want to make money, maybe even making a living from it. It might not be the only reason, it might not be our first priority, but it's always a part of our motive.

You're being so honest here, I like it, Aristotle said that there are three kinds of friendship, for material interest, for physical interest and for common interests (people with similar interests) the last one is the most pure of them, in his opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you for your comment Captain!

To me, being honest in what I do and write is very important. That's not to say that you can't leave certain areas of your opinion or character out of it - we all do that. But I don't want to impersonate someone that I'm not. Not all of what I have to say may be popular and sometimes, being honest is likely to cost me some income, but I certainly enjoy myself more that way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta