Hive Price : 09/09/22

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Made on Canva

On this post you are going to read about Hive Price like many other post about it

My post however will have a different writing way for the most because i going to write with facts not what i believe will happen


First: Hive Price

Here is the following questions i going to write

How much is the Price today ?


Have go up or down ?


Is different for 1 week before ( High/Low ) ?

No details until i past one week posting


Second: Charts

Everyday i will post a chart which is going to show the low and high of the day and also how is going the following day

The Chart today.

Chart by CoinEx

Third: Choice

I going to write about my choice
Will go High or Low tomorrow?

This will help understand when or if i can to find the right course of the Price

My Choice today.


Yesterday Choice
( Right / Wrong )



This will be the Importance pattern i going to write in my Hive Price

This post don't made for financial advise i only want to education myself


Until My next post...

#leofinance #hive #price #panosdada