Ways for women to make long-term wealth that few are taking advantage of.

in LeoFinance23 days ago

Greetings, everyone!


There are many ways women can make long-term wealth that few are taking advantage of. It would be a beneficial thing if our women rose to the level of deciding this and engaging in long-term wealth. Numerous women seem to be not interested in this area of finance.

Now, according to the GOBankingRates survey

The data, which included over 1,000 American women, asked respondents to name the actions they were taking to build long-term wealth. They answered as follows:

  • Investing in a brokerage account: 19.08%

  • Saving in a retirement account (401(k), IRA, etc.): 34.97%

  • Creating passive income streams: 20.58%

  • Investing in real estate as a rental property: 6.59%

  • None of the above: 44.06%

The majority of women who aren't aware of this investment are startling and their ignorance is on the high side. Just like on the Hive Blockchain technology, many women aren't aware and many are intruding into the space, knowing the ups and downs of the current cryptocurrency base.

The news has reported the areas in which women should make their long-term wealth and stay secure.

However, there are monetizing platforms that could expand the knowledge of crypto to our women and one of them is Hive Blockchain, investment is certain and my excitement is that the majority of women on Hive Blockchain are climbing the ladder to their success story. Some have invested and some are yet to be invested. Due to my little observance, I stayed with my grandparents and I noticed that women have money more than men in their homes. Women have the power to keep but the problem in this era is fear of losing. The more you serve your money in your house, the more it will be depreciated for the good things. Investment is sure and I assure you as you take up this decision, you will see tangible results.

I encourage all the women to make good investment strategy as it would help them in the future

Saving in a retirement account


This is one of the major things for women to get rewarded. Women who are in this investment quo are rightly due for rewards because they are current and would rightly have more in their wallets for future purposes. The importance of retirement savings has many benefits for our women who are aging and do not want to be involved in arduous work that would cause a breakdown in their body system. They rather prefer savings in retirement accounts.

Establishing a retirement savings account would save our women from stress and fear of the unknown.

Creating passive income streams


This will save a lot more than the active income. Here, involved minimal effort to maintain once it is established. This income will help our women generate income-consistent earnings without continuous active effort that would not cause them stress.

In the few months to come, I will introduce my mother to digital savings while her business is ongoing. She doesn't know anything about passive income streams, it is my place to sweet-talk her into passive income streams. She has been seeing me fiddling with my phone and knows that I'm on Hive Blockchain. I talked to her about the Hive Blockchain whenever I go to the house and since she couldn't write, she will recommend young women or youths who could explore this platform to me to give them tutors on how to engage the platform.

Overall, these are ways I could encourage our women to make long-term wealth that few are taking advantage of. Is a great way to have a stable income without going to and fro in search of money.

Thank you for reading through my blog.

This is my response to the ways women make long-term income strategies.

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Even in places where there are gender stereotypes, tech advancements is helping break the bias and creating more opportunities for women. I believe women can thrive more in this space. Great share.