Crypto is entering the multi billion dollar festival industry!

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Multi billion dollars on entertainment

Belgium and festivals, it’s like a match made in heaven, hundreds of festivals are organised every year, maybe even thousands. They are good for a big chunk of the Belgian economy, because we love our festivals, like Rock Werchter, Tomorrowland, Pukkelpop, etc… And we love to spend money there. We eat and drink like the true Belgian lifestyle is known for.

Cactus Festival in Bruges

And now, digital money is entering this world more and more. A lot of festivals have their own digital currency to pay with, like the pearls at Tomorrowland. And others are following this trend. Tribeca festival has OKX as its main sponsor. So we are one step away from paying your ticket and beer at the festival with crypto currencies. Tomorrowland is already giving away NFTs to ticket holders. I wouldn’t be surprised they would release the possibility to pay with crypto at the festival next year.

Cash is gone, crypto is the new cash

Paying with cash at festivals is almost impossible these days. And that will soon be replaced. You could say that crypto currencies will become the new cash of the future. And that is just an awesome evolution, even though I am having a hard time to part from cash. I love the look and feel of banknotes. Call it some kind of fetish. But luckily we will have crypto to replace that, so we can keep on partying at our favourite festivals.




Cashless society scares me. Because our future is more and more in centralized (digital) currencies, I am afraid.

@tipu curate

Let’s not despair, we can change that, if we keep on fighting for crypto

Same here. I love cash and crypto.

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Be it whatever but the power should be with the community. Decentralised currency are kind of currency solely dependent on the people who supports the currency. If there would be a centralised body to govern it would be just a hell to crypto industry

Indeed, everything is going towards cryptocurrencies, I do not think that the banknote will disappear completely, but we will have the other option, people will decide what to use and I am one of those who will prefer cryptocurrencies.

It's all digital money but I still don't really see fiat disappearing. I do agree that physical cash will be disappearing as the older population dies off though.

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I'm paying with crypto for almost anything.

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