Extreme right wind with landslide in Holland

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Argentina, The Netherlands…

Extreme right politics is dominating elections all over the world. After Argentina, now Holland has voted extreme right, where Geert Wilders of PVV won the elections by doubling in volume. He got got 35 seats in the parliament, ten more than the second biggest political party.

Now will the big work start, he needs to form a government with a majority. And lots of parties have said they won’t work with Wilders.

Very interesting days!




In February 2020, elections are being held in Pakistan as well. We just want the elections to be without corruption.

It's a clear sign that people think society isn't working as it should in my opinion.
Got the feeling a lot of people are thinking: it's not working let's try an (extreme) other direction.
Curious how the forming of a government will unfold though!

That’s the most interesting, we will see the desires on Friday

Yep , we expected top 3 but winner is new I am Dutch and proud hope it stays that way

What's the positive about that?


If you would live in Belgium or Holland, you would understand.
The traditional parties have made a mess of our countries. Both culturally and economically.
So, the voter has punished them for it. Believe me, this is a good thing. This makes all parties think about their activities, and will change the culture of messing around with our tax money!

That's great then.