
And for most states it is. There are only a few where there are problems but for better or worse we all have to wait for them to get their act together. But there IS no problem (yet anyway). The presidential election does not take place until December 14th when the electors get together to cat their ballots. At this point, we are still just choosing electors. Each state has their own deadline to certify their election results. To this point, no state has missed their deadline yet. Though contentious, the process is still working as designed. It's just that everyone seems hung up on who the media is projecting to be the next president. It's a shit show because that is what the media chooses to present. Shit shows are good for ratings I guess.

As long as states meet their deadlines for certification and the electors get together on December 14th to choose the next president, then everything will have gone as it is supposed to in terms of how our election system works. That's the reality even if it isn't the perception or what is being presented in the media.