Swing trading on YouHodler, I love it!

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Swing trading is very interesting these days

I have been doing some swing trades on my account on YouHodler lately. Which have brought me some very interesting gains the last few weeks. Approximately 150 USD worth in the last week of profit!

The concept is easy, I follow a dozen of crypto currencies like Ethereum, Litecoin, Solana, Dogecoin, etc… I check the swings they are having in the last hour, last 24 hours and last 7 days, relatively to others. And then I pick a time to invest when the swing is downward. When it has gained 5 or 10 %, I sell again… And rinse and repeat!

Volatility is our friend

These days are perfect for such moves, because there is quite some volatility in the market. And profiting from that right now, is a must!

And on YouHodler the spread is quite thin, a lot thinner than on other platforms. Together with the intrest you get on your holdings, YouHodler is really interesting to do some trading.

Here’s my referral linkYouHodler , I get a reward from it, but I am sure you won’t regret it!




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Sounds like a robust strategy.

How reputable is the platform? High interest without long lockdown periods sound like an exceptional deal which makes wonder how real it is.

The platform is reputable, the interest is paid out weekly. Solana gives 8 percent, LTC 7 %, and BTC just 3 %

In this way, daily trading gives both profit and loss, so we should always set a stop loss.

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