New Record! .:. WorkerBee PH-Pool Week 51

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Not too many things have changed from the last WORKERBEE Pool report, markets are still very calm, prices of two tokens that we are following are more-less stable, and everything goes smooth... Except that we have beat our previous record in mined BEE tokens!!!

Yes, some of my author rewards paid in BEE tokens have helped out, but we are getting more and more WB tokens locked inside our pool also! That means that the total number of mined BEE tokens per week should grow in the future too... As we have more people (and tokens staked), your payouts should be similar if you are not raising your stake...

On the other hand, some of my posts get nice upvotes from BEE holders and that could make a change in the future as that is a kind of the "second" bonus to WORKERBEE delegators to this pool...

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It's awesome that we have beaten the record just one week before the "pool birthday"!

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This week we got one new member! Welcome, @pregosauce! Also, our current members have delegated a very nice amount of additional WORKERBEEs! Thanks for your trust!

This POOL doesn't have fees and you actually get up to 20% MORE by delegating to it!


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What about the bonus?
Oh, I like when I distribute a valuable token as a bonus to you guys! This time it is the AWESOME tokens, that I have given away once (or twice) in the past and you were delighted with it... Just check that AWESOME chart on Hive Engine how it shoots to the stars... :) It is a token created by @flaxz, which is a token backing up the @thisisawesome project...


As always, in the end, let's give the exact numbers for this week... There will be distributed 76 BEE tokens and 3 AWESOME tokens as a bonus... The APY (without the bonus) was 18.516%, and when we have added the bonus it went up to 23.450%...

I have calculated the ROI approximately with medium prices for all tokens at the moment of creating this post... So, those numbers are valid if you bought and sold tokens at the current prices)...

Do you want to sponsor the PH-Pool with your tokens, receive a short SPONSORED segment in this post and raise awareness about your front-end or dApp? Please let me know in the comment section, or contact me through Discord or Twitter and we will find the best solution for both parties...

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If you want to join the WorkerBee PH-Pool, the only thing that you have to do is to DELEGATE your WORKERBEE tokens to THIS account (@ph1102) and that's it! Every week you will get the portion of mined BEE tokens and BONUS rewards!

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All payments will be made after publishing this post...

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section!

You can find more about this pool in the initial post here

Thank you for your time,


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If you want to support my witness, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here, or just scan the QR code down below...


Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. Odysee


Nice to see that many BEE rewards and thanks for the Awesome tokens! They are a very welcome bonus :-)

You are welcome! AWESOME tokens are awesome! :) :)


Thanks for the warm welcome!! I am literally brand new to WORKERBEE, I got some and delegated them to you about 6 seconds later :) Just curious to see how all of this works, to support the community development, and to figure out if I need to get more WORKERBEE!

Hehehe... So, you were lucky and got the first payment in just a couple of minutes after your investment?! :) That's awesome... The fastest payout ever! :)

Welcome to the pool!


Oops, did I narc on myself? what we ol' timers call a selfpwn lol. I really thought it was going to be a week or more, just thought you were welcoming me. Guess I better check to see what yummy tokens showed up. I promise to reinvest!
Thanks for the pizza, I am out for today, but will be sure to read your posts in the future and send a slice

Thanks for running the pool. Oh so next week is the anniversary of the pool?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, it is! It's not an exact B-day day, but I will try to do some special for delegators... ;)


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WINEX Current Market Price : 0.333

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Im a bit confused about all this but i want to get involved

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see that you are new here, so it's a bit hard to explain this stuff... On HIVE, we have the "second layer" tokens and you can find more about them at or (it's the same thing, but different frontends)... WORKERBEE tokens are one of those 2nd layer tokens which you can buy and stake... When you stake them, they create BEE tokens as a product...


Welcome @pregosauce

Workerbee is a good choice considering the fact that HE will create usecase for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks! I appreciate the welcome. I use HE all the time so if I can be a constructive part of it, then that sounds good to me :)

From my point of view, it's like a cornerstone of Hive-Engine... If it goes down, everything will go down... But, let us keep it positive! :)


Thanks for being AWESOME and running this pool man!

You are welcome and thanks for your kind words :)


Thanks for this project. I just delegated workerbee to ph1102 ✔️

Delegation received! Thank you! I hope you will be satisfied with our weekly rewards!
See you on Monday!



Thanks for the !BEER

Hey @eii, here is a little bit of BEER from @ph1102 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@ph1102(1/5) tipped @leveluplifeph (x1)
ph1102 tipped gadrian (x1)
ph1102 tipped diverse (x1)
ph1102 tipped pregosauce (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Hey @ph1102, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.