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RE: LEO DeFi Liquidity Pool Incentive, Stacking Hive and Gaming Push .:. #MyHiveGoals January 23rd, 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Oh, man... Don't do this to me... lol... I'm already playing way too many games on the blockchain... I didn't name Splinterlands and CryptoBrewMaster on this list, so don't push me into Rabona, please... lol...

I was playing religiously Hattrick for a couple of years and I know how it will go if I join Rabona... I have tempted already, and you are adding gasoline to the fire... :)

Thanks for the comment! :)


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I may be going on reverse mode on some of the goals after couple of month. Instead of keep increasing my stake, I might convert them into Hive or mobilize them to the goal that I am lacking.

That sounds like a good plan... I do that with DEC in Splinterlands and other layer-2 tokens that I don't stake...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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