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RE: Cardholders' Benefits Got Slashed - The Story Continues...

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I hope to see something like that too, someday. But I don't expect it very soon.

Well, it is possible in certain parts of the world... I don't know if you know this guy, but I like his funny videos... He visited El Salvador a few months ago and these are his impressions... (Check it out when you have free time... his other videos are more fun, but I like that he did this one...)


That was an interesting video. I was wondering how well-adopted bitcoin is in El Salvador. I think the problem is bitcoin doesn't scale. It's not made for commerce, even if everything goes through lightning nodes. We'll have to see what the future reserves for us.

Agree with you about scaling, but solutions like that in the video aren't bad at all... I know, it's centralized, but still, it's a big step forward... I suppose we will have more "transitional" solutions before finding the final one...

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Centralized and based on lightning nodes, most likely, because he made a few very small transactions. And even then you saw there was at least a case of a stuck transaction, plus the ATM that didn't work. You can't spend even 2 minutes, not to mention half an hour or more near a merchant to see if the transaction went-through.