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RE: Why Is Bitcoin Important? | Showcase Sunday

in LeoFinance3 years ago

A while back, the times when spam emails also had some substance, I received a spam email about Federal Reserve. It was an article explaining how US Dollars wasn't issued by the US Government but the private institution called Federal Reserve. How, US Government issued notes would say United States Note, instead of Federal Reserve Note, etc. While I found the article to be interesting, I didn't pay too much of an attention. I only remembered it when I dove into understanding money years later.

The biggest difference between fiat money (and powers who print it, distribute, or better say "own the system") and Bitcoin is that the first ones don't want that you UNDERSTAND how it works... and the second ones INSIST to teach you how it works, as when you understand it, you will never look back....

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Yes, it does seem traditional monetary systems are set up to confuse people and simply trust the so called "experts".