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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 48 - Saturday 26 November 2022 | EDSMM Giveaway | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome

in LeoFinance2 years ago

we're up to 546.15 - yay! a dolphin! -

Minnow! LOL. It's red fish/plankton, then minnow, then dolphin at around 5000HP. Then orca, then whale. I thought maybe you had just typoed a number so I checked Susie's wallet.
People skip over red fish and refer to newbie accounts as minnows, but minnow is the second level! Ergo the 10k minnows initiative.

(You may know all that and that was just a brain fart, but I know we have some new accounts in SSC so I thought I would explain)

I vote for witnesses, like everything else, manually. I actually want to figure out how to make witness votes automatically follow another account so that I can make my alt account follow my main, but as it is I don't know how so I set them up manually too.

I don't have a method per se, but I think about things like, are they active? Do I see them posting? Are they building things or running an app or something? Are they a dbag or a fool? LOL

I'll vote for someone who isn't building apps if they're active in the community, or someone who runs an app but doesn't post much, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Sometimes I switch it up if someone misses a bunch of blocks, or someone new starts running a node I want to support, or if I find out someone is a jerk. 😂 But I check it every now and then.


Hehe, you're right, it's minnow 😂

There is a way to proxy your votes ... 🤔

You rock, thank you!!