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RE: Growth Outlook & the Need for 'MORE'

in LeoFinance5 months ago

Well, the wanting for 'MORE' stakes, savings, or what else makes me sound greedy but I think it's what keeps us going forward, yeah? The thing is that if we get so comfortable or satisfied with what we know, do, or have then it would mean we stop looking for ways to grow and that is not ideal, or is it?

I always think of Hive as a co-op. It growing is good for everyone involved. You grow your own stake, sure, but you also give bigger upvotes to others when you do that, and you provide stability and positive signs in the faith we have in our system so it can help the price to at least remain stable (and if everyone invested as they were able, it might help raise the price). Raising the price or at least keeping it steady helps people who need the funds right now for their life needs, where if it was pump-and-dumping all the time, the converted income they get might not be enough. So, I don't think it's greedy to invest in Hive when you're a contributing member of the community!


I love how you see things here and I agree with you on them. It is nice to be able to grow our stakes and help the ecosystem and others in the process. I do yearn for HIVE to increase in price so those who need it to sustain their living expenses will have more.

Thank you for your amazing input. It put things into a much better perspective.


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