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RE: That escalated quickly: new Hive ATH & finally kicking Steem butts!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yeah, organic is always better than anything too fast :) But it´s funny how people always tend to start posting like crazy when the price is high even though they actually earn much less Hive :D That was something I really enjoyed about those low quiet times, there was just very little competition. These days, some communities are getting dozens of posts every day. Hard times to shine :D


I know eh! The psychology behind it is kinda weird. Of course I want a busier platform like anyone else but like you said, you earn a lot more tokens in quiet times even tho it's less in $ value. Maybe it has to do with shortsightedness? Those who chose to walk away because of low token value and activity will be kicking themselves later.

I remember the last bull run, everyone was whining that older users had an unfair advantage when tokens were low valued and the same ones were the first ones to leave after the high forfeiting their own "unfair advantage"...Self sabotage much? I'm glad I stayed and had a chance to accumulate. The curation returns alone are starting to get nice.

Exactly! (to all that you said :D)