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RE: Silicon Valley Bank | The 16th Largest Bank in the U.S. Goes Under

in LeoFinancelast year

So that many later come to say that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are too risky... The traditional financial-banking system has no morals to talk to us about risk, when there are so many precedents that show that the real risk lies in fiat money and the banking conventional institutions.

Financial institutions going bankrupt is what tells us that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general are the economic future of the world, although, as you said, fiat money will always exist.

I fully agree with what you say in this post, especially that we cannot trust the human factor to regulate something like global monetary policy. But here the political factor, interests and status quo has a lot to do with it. Plus, I also believe that Bitcoin has great potential to become an insurance for the programmed store of value in the future (and I say this, despite the huge down it has hit these days).

Very good post. Greetings.

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