The problem with saving

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Many people when they talk about economic issues seem to point out that saving is the most fundamental thing to succeed in this regard. These people say that saving is necessary to lead a financially healthy life, as if this somehow solves the serious underlying problems that the person may have.

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Savings: Something important, but not the definitive solution

I want to clarify something important, and that is that I also consider saving as something important, but I simply do not give it the level of vital importance that most people give it. By saying this, I want to say that I am not speaking ill against saving, nor saying that saving is not necessary, nor that you should not to save, because at the end of the day, the fact of saving money or not, is every person decision.

What I do want to point out in this article is that saving alone is useless, if the person does not use his saving capacity as a smart means to produce more money through smart investment. Because what every person should aim for is to produce more, not to spend less.

If you only aim to spend less, you will certainly save, and your saving capacity will perhaps exceed your spending capacity; it is true, but living a lifestyle that will be much more modest or very low.

Of course, it all depends on the way you see life, and the expectations you have and what you consider to be a good quality of life for you and your family members. So, If living modestly is fine for you, fine, that's respectable, but if, as in my case, what you want is to live well, then the solution is to aim to have an increasingly higher income than your expenses; but not thanks to your ability to save, but because you really know how to get more and more money through your activities and efforts.

I do not want, nor is it my life goal, to get used to spending less for fear of being left with nothing, I want to earn more and more; in such a way that no matter how much I spend, the amount of money I have surpasses me. In other words, I am aiming for unlimited wealth. I do not expect, dear reader, that you understand from the first moment what I am expressing through these lines; but I simply ask you to reflect on it in time and give yourself the opportunity to think for yourself what I am saying and reach your own conclusions.

I'm agree to save, but not on the basis of skimping on our quality of life, but on the basis that thanks to produce everytime more money I have enough money to save. I want that my ability to produce money and invest does not depend on my ability to save or borrow, but on my skills and how profitable and intelligent my investments are.

I am not one of those who think about buying the cheapest and worst quality food, to save money to buy myself a luxury car. Of course I want to buy the luxury car, but based on my ability to generate more and more income, and not based on getting used to living badly, eating badly, because in the end, that is not desirable either (at least not from my point of view).

Saving as an aid to living better, not as an obstacle

Many people believe that to get what you want (such as eating well, dressing well, having a good car, a great house) depending of reducing spends in everything it needs, to thus to save everytime more and more. But seen this way, it is more of an obstacle than a help for the purposes they want to achieve.

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Because what they have to aim for is (as I already said), to produce more and more money, and not thanks to spendiing as little as possible, because, as with business, if you spend as little as possible; if you buy the worst in In terms of quality for whatever reason, the quality of what you get is inversely proportional to what you are sacrificing in that process.

For example, with businesses, when we see supermarkets that are not able to give their customers bags to carry their products no matter how much they buy, this causes the quality of service and customer satisfaction to decrease; thanks to the wrong belief of the managers or business owners that they are going to save a lot of money by not providing a few simple bags its customers.

The aforementioned also happens with an automotive company when it decides to buy much cheaper materials to produce its vehicles. The consequence is that the vehicles it will produce will be of much lower quality.

I will repeat the concept, in case it has not been clear, but expressed in another way

We must increase our ability to earn income, not the ability to save unnaturally

Our Saving ability must increase but naturally, it must be the result of our ability to generate increasing income, not of our ability to live an extremly limited life ourselves, or to live spending as little as possible.

If you consider it an achievement to buy a great house or a great car by dint of skimping on food, medicine, clothing, and other basic expenses for yourself and your family; then you have either misunderstood the whole economic success concept or are aware of your own inability to produce more money.

In such case, aside from the fact that you are a person extremely selfish and narrow-minded, that means you either don't feel capable of making more money and you think that at some point you won't be able to make more, or you think your money will suddenly run out. What you have is a scarcity trauma, I mean you suffer from a shortage complex that you have not overcome and cannot to overcome. Simply you do not want to overcome it, therefore, and even if you do not admit it, you can have all the money in the world in your hands, but you will always maintain your economic policy of extreme austerity for you and your family.

You are simply a hopeless stingy who does not want to change and who is not willing to try harder to be more and more productive and earn more and more money, which is what you should ultimately do.

The solution to shortage problems
As I have said over and over again, in this and other posts, the solution to scarcity problems is that you change your vision of the world and seek to produce more money. Because on the process you understand that economic success is not about saving money all the time, but about producing and enjoying it, giving you quality of life.

And most important of all, you must realize that it is your savings that should be at your service, instead of you at the service of your savings. You have to realize that if you earn more and more money (because you have become more productive), then your ability to save will increase accordingly. And it is not as many believe, that your ability to produce will increase the greater your ability to save.

So, emphasizing; If you produce more and more economic income, it will be easier for you to have more and more savings, without effort, sacrifice, or skimp on anything for yourself or your family.

Think about it!

Please, comment your opinions on the subject discussed. There they are read!!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Totally agree with you. Saving money will not make you rich. Even if you save it into bank account. You get nearly nothing for it. You have to be a smart saver and make more out of your money. That could be verious things, it hasn't to be crypto.
!gif smart

Everything sounds about right. The concept of saving is presented completely wrong imo. People are advised to cut their spending instead of increasing their earnings which is more productive and efficient in the long run.

Why cut back on pleasure if you can increase your earning potential and have enough to spend and save at the same time?

I hope more people will take notes from this article. Great work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, lets hope most people will one day understand this reality, that it is more important to produce more than simply save. Thank you very much for reading my post.


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