Whoever sows good seed receives great harvests

in LeoFinancelast year

I often think about the fact that everything in life has a reason for being, a cause, something that justifies things being one way and not another else. As you can deduce, dear reader, that means that I believe in the law of cause and effect.

Cause and effect in economics

And although the cause and effect is a law that applies to everything in life, we could especially talk about it in terms of economic issues; because everything in economics is the result of an action that causes a reaction, or an event that generates a consequence.

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This is how we can realize that there are no countries with good or bad luck in the economic aspect, but there are countries with governments that apply effective and well-intentioned economic policies and countries with governments that apply bad and disastrous economic policies.

As is logical, good economic policies make a country's economy grow and prosper; instead, bad economic policies cause a country's economy to stagnate and regress. Everything is then a fruit of a doing, of an action, which generates a concrete result.

Cause and effect in the generation of wealth

But just as we can talk about the cause and effect relationship in the macro aspect, we could also talk about it in the aspect of our personal or individual economies. That is, we could talk about the causes that make it more or less difficult for us to achieve wealth in our lives.

Just think about it; all of those people who only live complaining about how bad the economy of their countries is doing and about the little money they have in their accounts and in their pockets, are the same ones who do not understand that they are poor because of their own attitude towards money and life.

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Because those who do not prepare to reach a better educational level, and do not understand that money is something good to which they can and should aspire; they are the same ones who do not understand that no one will give them for free anything worthwhile in life; because they do not understand that those who achieve comfort in life are those who manage to achieve economic wealth, and that economic wealth is not something that no one is going to give you, on the contrary, it is something that you have to earn by yourself, with intelligence, with effort and with perseverance.

Who sows good seed receives great harvests

And above all, people who are poor in thought cannot understand that it is one thing to be poor in terms of money, and another very different thing is to be poor in terms of thought. In this sense, being poor in terms of money is not as serious as the fact of being poor in terms of thought; because poverty on a monetary level can be temporary, but poverty of thought is much more harmful, because it leads to economic poverty in the form of a vicious circle that is endless repeated and repeated.

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And another thing that most people do not understand around these issues is that whoever sows good seed will receive great harvests. Again, this still refers to the cause and effect factor that we talked about earlier; but in essence explained, it means that if we perform good deeds around our goals of growth and economic wealth, then we will obtain great harvests (or in other words; great economic riches).

Now the initial basis for this is understanding to realize that we need to pay attention to our education; but once we have already taken this part into consideration, and acted on it, then we must understand that all economic success is based on constant and effective action to generate many sources of income that work in parallel.

If we invest money in a good business, it will give us profitability, but if we invest money wisely in many businesses at the same time, then the level of profitability will become exponential, until we finally achieve our goal of personal financial wealth.

Some will call it luck, but it is pure cause and effect, as simple as that.

What do you think about the topic discussed? Please comment.

Gif created by @piensocrates

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's quite complicated as being wealthy also means their parents had indirectly educated them financially since childhood and they have further invested into making connections, so even if they fail, they can easily bounce back. People trapped in poverty need more than just sowing little seeds or financial intelligence, since their life is already "predetermined" due to their environment until a strong outside force acts on their circumstances... which "financially literate" people don't believe in.

I am one of those who think that whoever wants something, finds a way, and whoever doesn't want something, finds an excuse! Thanks for comment.

Glad that works for you, you're very blessed.