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RE: Like Mushrooms After the Rain .:. Be Careful With "Comeback Cryptocurrencies"

in LeoFinance4 years ago

So much valuable information in this post, which is a must read for a lot of investors/traders that are new to the crypto world. Even though I have been in it for awhile, I am seeing new patterns that the "old time" cryptos are doing, popping back up & acting like they were at the scene the whole time....

It blows my mind how many crypto spam tweets that are circling around as well as supposed crypto "gurus" are doing videos & posts, spewing their "knowledge" (& I use that world lightly lol). However, I am definitely NOT surprised....when the money comes to light, everyone & everything comes out of the woodwork....

I cannot stress how important it is to use critical thinking. Even when I share information I might know about trading, markets or crypto in general, I will always tell people to do their research & see what's the best move for them. I have been fortunate enough not to go through the cons you & others have been through in crypto but I have had losses in regular stock trading. While it wasn't as vast as other trader's losses, it still hurt & then the feeling of anxiety kicks in....not fun!

So, it pays to watch some of these things BEFORE investing. I don't like getting into anything I don't understand. But now having a little BTC, LTC & ETH under my belt, I am excited to see where this all leads...

Let's see BTC go to 20K!! ;) Thanks for this awesome read & I hope there will be more winners in this game than losers... Stay amazing! :) 🧡

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It blows my mind how many crypto spam tweets that are circling around as well as supposed crypto "gurus" are doing videos & posts, spewing their "knowledge" (& I use that world lightly lol). However, I am definitely NOT surprised....when the money comes to light, everyone & everything comes out of the woodwork....

And we are just at the beginning... lol... As BTC isn't officially hit the ATH... When that happens, then we will see all the scum, scam, and everything else all over Twitter and other social media...

We have to take double care to not get scammed, as they have become smarter with every next scam...


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