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RE: Diversify Your Plan B

in LeoFinance4 years ago

There's a lot of great valuable information here! When I started trading part time in the regular stock market, that was one of the first things we heard from seasoned traders - always diversify your trades & also don't use money you can't afford to lose. Those two things always stuck with me...

As you know, I am well diversified in crypto & even in some of the stock market apps/crypto dapps I use. (In addition, I have an emergency fund that I never touch unless I truly need it.) Even though my primary focus is crypto now, I still keep my eyes open for tokens that are valuable to stake & hold as well as to sell. It gives me some comfort knowing I have these things may not be a million dollars but just knowing I am building these things & not putting my all into one thing only really helps ease my mind...

The awesome thing is there are so many ways to do it & you don't have to do huge amounts right away (as you said). I really appreciate your perspective on this! This is something everyone should do, even if it's just 3 or 4 little things. That feeling is like no other! 💜


Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on the post...

Personally, I have a dilemma about the crypto projects/coins that I want to HODL for the long-term, and it is about the use-case... Yes, it is important that there is a use case for some crypto, but that doesn't meant that "I have to use it"...

I mean, Hive is great as we can USE it to create more tokens, or EARN it while we HODL it... It can be the case with BTC and ETH, if we use them in DeFi projects, but at the moment, you can't earn them directly (as Hive)... That's something that I would like to change, but on the other side, I'm OK with that the part of my portfolio is stagnant and there for "just in case"...