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RE: Can LEO's own sidechain contribute to LEO/HIVE?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

So many good points in this.. where to start.

Sidechains: The power in Hive is it has a the governance layer built so you don't have to reinvent the wheel

Hive-Egine: There code slows down so much dev. It has been the same for almost 2 years and is showing its age.

LEO: The future will be when you can control more things about your token and it seems they have discovered this. Not sure how much AD Revenue buying back tokens can hold up the price but time will tell.

I am more excited in what other use cases they can give us.

I would be interested if they worked with another dapp to allow LEO to be used as a medium of exchange in it, but since everyone is just HODL LEO this may not work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta