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RE: $PNS volatility trigger activated - 333 holders to the moon

in LeoFinance2 months ago


Sorry, but if you don't know Solana, you should NOT spread this kind of FUD. 90%+ of failed transactions are bots, spammers. (so i don't even mind, fck them!)

Sure, it goes through slower, takes maybe 10-30 seconds, instead of 1, but!!:

I recommend you, check out transactions, daily users, adaption boom! It's a lovely problem, and main teams on Solana working together to sort it out (something what you never can imagine on other chains, including Hive). Some update will come on 15th. And likely within 1 year, SOL can deal with 50k transaction / sec. and the rest? nowhere near, not even today.

Not to mention, this is the first chain, which have to deal with such a big traffic. Imagine, if it happens on the wonderful ETH... so very good test, if people love to talk about mass adaption.

so yes, there are some problems, but it's very-very far from 'time-bomb', especially, if you dig into it, and find out the few other things, what causing it.


I know Solana enough to be trading memes on it, it’s a lovely problem it’s having, but at the detriment of users?

Err…that’s somehow, this sweet congestion it’s been having for the past few days have made many loose customers in their business, like I said, I lost money while trading memes, the network was congested and transactions failed while I tried to cash out

I like Solana for what it does, just not like this. They need to fix up asap.

I’m glad it won’t have to be a time bomb. We don’t need that.

:) I know, you are not alone with it. I mean, spreading this as the apocalypse in last few days, weeks. but it's nothing new. mostly effecting bot traders, so I really don't care it.

However, I care that, these greedy, not so clever guys, just don't get it what they are really doing. I got why msm doing it, the mass crypto adaption is against their interest, but people who are using it, generally people in crypto why the f. doing something like this...??? Huge mistery!!!

For example, you trade memes, whether manual or bot, basically, you spread out, towards the hole world: solana is sht, going down, timebomb etc., etc, meantime you want to profit from it... 🤣

and not to mention, nothing new, and it's not a major thing. defo not that huge, why have to start to spread fud, try to stop the mass adoption, what finally a chain could begin!

I guess, better think twice, and take some time to study solana before posts like this.

sol tx 1.jpg

sol tx 2.jpg

When Solana wasn’t congested and my trades were going well, I talked about it. When it got congested and people started loosing money, I did the same thing, talked about it and my experience with the congestion.

I still maintain my stance in being thankful that $Pns didn’t launch on Solana it would have been a disaster.

It’s okay if you want to start your business on Solana or have your family savings there, no problemo, but for me, I’ll always share my reviews whether good or not.

well, I just said, no reason for the apocalypse, time-bomb kinda things without understanding what's going on.

it's not about good or not. it's about creating a false general narrative, simply because you had a bad experience.

many people doing it, who use Solana anyway, I don't see the point... then just have to stop using SOL and problem solved. But not screaming vs. mass crypto adoption - because in practice, this kind of posts are exactly doing that!

it's in kinda design, bot traders will be hit by this first. what is a really good thing, so it doesnt really effect real users of Solana, those who add value to the blockchain. I just wish it would be like this here on Hive, too...

many people doing it, who use Solana anyway, I don't see the point... then just have to stop using SOL and problem solved. But not screaming vs. mass crypto adoption - because in practice, this kind of posts are exactly doing that!

That one is your personal opinion, out of many other more efficient chains, it was my choice to go to Solana, and I still wouldn’t advice anyone to build on Solana as it is until they get a grip, if I had such headaches on hive too I will do the same but I don’t.

Telling me I’m creating a false narrative, I can’t imagine the disaster it would have been if $PNS launched on Solana, people won’t be able to buy or sell or have to encounter countless failed transactions, and sell off due to frustration or fud just because it’s Solana and it got congested. Oh please.

Good thing it’s a decentralized system where anyone can participate else people like you will def say people like me should be restricted cuz we are saying the truth. Lol.

Well, I clearly backed what I said, with data. Pretty obvious, you don't know Solana, don't follow development, progress. (expect speculating with shitcoins) Otherwise, just from user point of view, you would have known, transaction failure rate was pretty much same half year ago, too.

I never said, I want anybody restricted, banned etc. It's your mind making things like this up.

I said: I don't understand why people spread false info about it, what is generally bad for crypto, top of that, it's not true...

You ain't said any truth about Solana in your post. just followed the crowd. and I don't care what the pns thing is, I talked about Solana, and what you are saying about it, it's not true + it's against general crypto interest + even against your personal interest...

If you are shitting on a very good project (because you don't know it, understand, nor willing to take time to study it), what is just gaining new users with incredible speed, like no other crypto, then just leave it plz!!!

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