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RE: The Future of Music: Navigating the Intersection of Human Creativity and Artificial Intelligence

in LeoFinance4 months ago

"We must ensure that AI serves as a tool for enhancement, not replacement, of the human element in music."

Yep, I already have been seeing all that that you are saying for some time now.

And I definitely think that the only solution is for us to embrace and use artificial intelligence technology as another tool for integration and collaboration with human creativity and desist from demonizing it a priori under the arbitrary bias of those who, without being able to create anything creative by themselves, they insist on avoiding the intersection of both under copyright laws, authorship attributions and whatnot.

¿Where would be all the advances of Adobe Photoshop, Gimp and all that tech behind DeepFakes if we stick to what they try to impose? ¿Huh? ;o)

The influence of AI on music is not just theoretical but practical. Projects such as Taryn Southern's album "I AM AI," composed with the assistance of AI platforms, exemplify the commercial and critical success achievable through AI-generated music. These instances validate AI's role as a co-creator in the music industry, demonstrating its potential to enhance and expand musical expression.

That's right, co-creation is the key in all this.

By chance... do you speak spanish?


Absolutely, it’s a tool and potentially the most impactful 🤘🏽 to date. Happy Thursday!