in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)


You probably heard the news for the past couple of days. Bad weather in Buffalo is causing a lot of problems. The latest one has to do with one foot of snow hanging in people roof. It is not a safe environment going forward. Lake effect snow storm is crazy. In Florida we have other issues to look after. Today for some reasons, it has been raining for the past 9 hours. Luckily it is not heavy pouring but it is windy. it looks more an invitation for a cold front to come by.

Despite all these we are all anchored down and hope for the best for the folks up North. I am watching #hive at the beginning of the weekend and I wonder what is taking place. The volatility is upcoming with a swing of tendency to take over. For the past 7 to 10 days even #btc is holding around $16k+, you can feel the market is trying to pass the roadblock imposed by #FTX. It will be a long time coming knowing so many are at loss.

Fortunately it does not deter many to remain strong and stay focus. I am planning to get more #hive if possible. Liquidity is standing on the way. The best way to fully understand Hive blockchain you need to hold some and play around with all parties involved. Hive is evolving before our eyes. This blockhain/community is in parity with all holders. While you think the effort is only in one community, think twice. #Hive blockchain is so huge just look around the other UI. Time is limited to be everywhere so I focus myself in #Leofinance.

No longer I ask myself what is Hive use case. It is right in front of us. The result of the price holding itself when tough shows up, proves Hive is tailgating just fine. I think the biggest use case for Hive reside in all of us maintaining the reciprocity to move #hive all the way up. This is why I can't help myself and continue to accumulate the little I can every week when it is possible.
Thanks to many I earn some from my posts but I tried to do more.
Crypto is in front of a wall. It looks everything stops for reevaluation but I am optimistic we will move past this delicate situation where folks are losing funds, leaving a black eye for all of us.
Time will tell and crypto is strong enough to heal its wounds.
While everyone is thinking twice, you decide.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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You're going to be one of the biggest HIVE Power holders in the world soon enough!

We need more LEO whales like you flexing their influence in Hive's governance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey you are not far behind though.
At least this is what keep #hive in high demand.
One day will come where #hive will be scarce.
Grab it while you can.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm really trying to use LPs to double my HP stack faster.

Each day I get closer to my goal! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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