in LeoFinance3 years ago


If there is one thing I stress with crypto, has to do with opportunity it presents the holders in a long term agenda. I do have patience but I like to have some control over that quality. I like to have a little interaction to see how it changes day by day. This is why Hive blockchain is a good place to be. You are constantly doing something to further your position in the community. You are constantly managing your Hive tokens, your Leo tokens, so and so.

I stumble to #helium last March of this year. I like their concept of people powered network. It sounds easy at first knowing you need to have the miners on hand to start mining. That was not the case at all unless you have $2499US to get one right away through Amazon. That is ludicrous to purchase it for that price knowing you can get the same bobcat miner for around $500 and a wait time of 20 weeks. I guess you might get the same result but I prefer to wait.

The waiting time is crazy as well knowing you want to start mining yesterday. I guess whatever route you take either you pay the big bucks or wait. This is what happen when the whole world is after the same items over and over. Some folks do purchase more than one to mine #HNT quicker. I should do the same in March not knowing where I will put them.

As of right now I have two bobcat miner in South Florida. It is getting crowded in here. It is more popular in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach is coming slowly. Th use case of this miner could be a great selling point for businesses to invest in them. The system provided by #Helium is already in service in some places, providing wireless revolution in a decentralized system.

This is one system where you want more miners to come online. That way yours can witness beacon, connecting and transmit data. When all is happening your miner earns #HNT. Just for two week+ my two miners earned 10 HNT. If the price catches up with the distribution I could recuperate my expenses within three months. Not bad for a newbie like me. I have seen miners witnessing 10 other miners. That way you earn more. I may earn one helium a day. If I can keep up with that trend, in two month I will be even.
As you know in Florida I have a lot working against me. The weather is not so nice. I even had internet outage this week, just for couple of hours. It feels good to know I can earn something while I am part of a global network. It is the easiest miner to own and run if everything runs okay in your area. As long I get my funds back I am fine, extra is just sauce on the side. I did cash out some HNT to buy Hive obviously. It was quick.

#HNT is appreciating lately touching $20US. Binance is the place the trading is vibrant. If you are looking to get some I think you need to check the map and see if it makes sense. Boncat miner 300 maybe the best according to many youtube I watched. Due your own research. The right plan of action, try to purchase the miners as a team, like 10 or 20 in the same area. That way you guys will make a blanket to spread the network and viable for the Helium network.
Hopefully right in September I will give you an update if I mine more Helium.
Keep vesting them tokens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good friend, you can recover your investment very soon, the number of new miners around the world is impressive. I would love to participate in mining but at the moment I am satisfied with the Hive blockchain and the support of this great family.

Actually there are five miners in Venezuela.
People are getting into HNT.
Hive is the best place to be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

awesome so here are 5 #HNT miners and if Hive is the best place in the world

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