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RE: DreemPort's Weekly X League.

in LeoFinance6 months ago (edited)

Woohoo, this is getting tougher each week lol, I can’t imagine how hard it is to get to top 1 now lol, see nkem and Jessica coming after me and taking over me on the leaderboard lol, this is the work of the dreemer of the year contest going on lol, I must not sleep on this update lol, a big thank you to the team and a big shoutout to my co toppers, we go again next week dreemers…


Well Done, Bro. You always manage to slide into the top spot each week. Haha. This is awesome.

You've also been a recurring name on each week of the challenge and it's good to see that. Keep it up and good on the Dreemer of The Year Challenge.

Do not snooze on this one
Let's take the bull by the....