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RE: Live off crypto and expect a fight

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is why I am trying to focus as close to 100% as possible on utility over price or financial trading.

Hive f.e. is way better than a regular blog in my eyes -- it's the same but the token adds the financial "fuel" so that blog posts are powered by money and thus more interesting things can happen. Splinterlands is an example of a thing that doesn't happen in a non-crypto blog ecosystem, but DOES happen with crypto involved.

Brave is my preferred browser since the ad system makes sense to me -- in my head, if I imagine everybody using Brave and then donating some of their BAT tokens to the sites they visit most frequently, that's a utility that far surpasses anything possible with the other browsers I know about. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that would mean less money for Facebook and more money for small/mid sized creators.

Etc etc etc, just utility utility utility. The price for most coins has to follow utility, even if the "tail wags the dog" sometimes and the price gets the headlines first.