Earn money for checking the price of Bitcoin and wLeo in Coingecko.

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Earn money for checking the price of Bitcoin and wLeo in Coingecko.

Have you wondered that even checking the price of Bitcoin and wLEO (by Leofinance) in coingecko site will help you earn some cool money.

We all know about "Earn and Learn" program on other exchanges and sites that provide you some token for learning and training but coingecko candy collection program is little different because you can collect candies by just one click.
Below is my current Candy collection.


How to claim candies?


Go on top right corner, you will see a jar, when you login daily and click on the jar, you get candies. Login continuously for seven days helps because value of candies increase on each day of continuous log.

If you login continuously for 7 days , you can claim 10+20+30+40+50+60+100 = 310 candies in a week. Only issue is that if you miss a single day, candies count will reset to 10.

Now if you are wondering how much these candies can be worth. let me show you.


So swag pack can be redeemed for 5600 candies. but if you buy it from store it will cos $80.


so claim of 310 candies in a week is equivalent to 310*80/5600 = $4.42

So just wondering, how many LEO/wLEO holder have 5600 candies to redeem this offer?

I am currently short of 150 but I will definitely get in a week.

Do any LEO/wLEO guy want to buy this offer from me.(I feel these offers are slow moving and it will stay more than a week.).

If In case if you do not know what LeoFinance is then you can read about this platform at https://leopedia.io/faq/#what-is-leofinance

If you are wondering about wLeo then you can read about wLEO at https://leopedia.io/wleo/

LeoFinance allow you to earn LEO that you can swap for wLEO and wLEO can be swapped for ETH in defi pool. So it is also equivalent to mining ETH from blogging.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Pretty cool.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup. A nice gift for a little work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting, what's in the "SWAG Pack", though?
Does it hold any actual monetary value or do you only get random stuff not actually worth anything out of it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Swag pack.

CoinGecko T-Shirt (x1)
CoinGecko Lanyard (x1)
CoinGecko Notebook (x1)
CoinGecko Face Mask with Filters (x1)
[Limited Edition] CoinGecko To The Moon NFT minted on a physical Ethercard (x1)

But there are other rewards to chose on and they keep changing. You can get their Defi book also for candies or some discounts on other sites.


get random stuff not actually worth anything out of it?
I guess you need to keep an eye there, whatever is nice will be redeemed too soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are a disciplined individual for sure :)
I am never consistent in logging in on the site every day. I have fewer than 100 candies.
btw, are those links for SEO?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are spot on.
A litlle inspired by https://leofinance.io/@brettpullen/seo-lesson-tips-gamify
so just put the links.
Also read that use your keyword multiple time in article, that is only reason I used wleo so many times here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I should try to do this the next time I write a post.

this is great bro thanks a lot for sharing such an information this is really helpful. 😁🙏

Thanks for stop by, Bhattg.
It is worth collecting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will start from today now on 😁
Thanks again.

Free internet money but it feels like too much for too little. It is another way of tokenization attention though and the trend of tokenization almost everything online seems to become bolder and bolder.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, It is their way of generating traffic daily. If someday I forget to claim candy, I know the cycle is going reset to zero in midweek.(so make sure, I have claimed my candies.)
And they are asking for a little click and I think it is pretty doable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Frankly speaking, I was not aware of this earlier that one can earn by just checking the price. The tough part is doing it consistently and if one day you forget we will have to start from scratch..that's a bit odd and strange. Thanks for sharing once again. cheers

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You have to use email login and I hope there will be no KYC on redeeming them. Anyway I will redeem for digital goods only or may consider selling the physical code good.

The tough part is doing it consistently and if one day you forget we will have to start from scratch

They want daily traffic I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've got thousands I forgot about until I read your post. Forgot because it didn't have anything I was interested in. It has been a long time since they update their inventory. Thanks again. Keep up the great work!

Good opportunity! @iliyan90 check this bro


I just registered.

A nice start, just make sure to continue daily.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for reminding me, I haven't been on Coingecko in a long time. I need to check.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure, There are becoming more obvious choice for users after Binance acquired Coinmarketcap.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I start collecting in past but not able to continues - bad memory lol

Sure, you can continue now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is pretty cool gem and well hidden, I didn't know about it. Thanks for sharing, just created my account and will keep an eye on the CoinGecko store for how to spend my crypto candies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can say they keep giving some cool gifts in lieu of these candies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your current Rank (23) in the battle Arena of Holybread has granted you an Upvote of 4%


I will :) But what exactly is this swag pack? :)

Swag pack.

CoinGecko T-Shirt (x1)
CoinGecko Lanyard (x1)
CoinGecko Notebook (x1)
CoinGecko Face Mask with Filters (x1)
[Limited Edition] CoinGecko To The Moon NFT minted on a physical Ethercard (x1)

But there are other rewards to chose on and they keep changing. You can get their Defi book also for candies or some discounts on other sites.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you. I will definetely log in every day :)