Gearing Up for HPUD Dec -2021 and little community support needed

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Gearing Up for HPUD Dec -2021 and little community support needed (Nothing Personal)

Might be few of you wondering that time left for HPUD is more than week than Why I am writing so early?
I am writing early because the earnings of this post will be used for get some delegation for HPUD Hispanic participants as I have done in earlier post.

In last HPUD , I have promised the guaranteed support of 225 HP delegation as mentioned below. (75 HP each for first, second and third user.)


But thanks to community, winners were supported with 414 HP against 225 HP promised.


So my participation goal for DEC 2020 HPUD.

There is little good news for HPUD Hispanic participants and @victoriabsb that for this month I will increasing my guaranteed delegation to 300HP from earlier 225 HP. You can reallocate 300HP to participants as you wish. All the earnings from this post will again go for topping up the delegation to the participants.

My Goals for HPUD.

I like to support HPUD participants with minimum of 1000HP so I am in deficit of 700HP that I am looking to fill from community without taking a strong hit on my own HP.

I wish best of luck to all the HPUD participants, organizers (@traciyork and @victoriabsb) and all HP delegators for upcoming HPUD.

pg divider 031.png

Please feel free to upvote ,comment and reblog.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's a good initiative dear for the HPUD. For me, I'm always poweringUP when I get HIVE to my account. So no specific day assigned. I'll participate in this HPUD coming on 1st December. I Will not be converting the HBD that I get from my post rewards. And on HPUD swap the HBD for HIVE and PowerUp all the HIVE on HPUD. Cheers

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Make sure, that it is 1st December on UTC time for getting some cool badge.

Thank you for sharing.
I will join HPUD and participate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, I hope you will get some nice rewards for your participation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Guess I really need to look into that, I never cared about power up days as I simply power up whenever I have any Hive ;-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice, but there are some cool badges to be won when you power up on HPUD day. Few powerup on that day for badges only.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll stop powering up this week then and will power up all I collected on December 1st :-)

For a moment, I thought I had missed the last week of November and we are already on the 1st but then saw you are getting ready for it! Good planning and like the ambition you have of a big prize target for the initiative!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, more is better. I hope streetstyle will also come back.
SPUD (before Hive fork) used to have large delegations. I guess with time we will get to that point and surpass it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think @traciyork has really done a great job in keeping the initiative going and there are some large stakeholders getting involved with it in various ways. I like seeing all the different splinter PUDs going on as a result of it too!

No doubt about tracy's effort ,specially picking up the HPUD and providing leadership abilities when we suddenly found that streetstyle not here.
HPUD will keep going to see success with every edition.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yeah! Looking forward to Tuesday now! :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good initiative dear...
This time I decide to participate from my kida account... selling DEC to power up hive...

All the best. Make sure of the tags and the UTC timings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've participated in two Hive Power Up days. The Hispanic #HPUD and English #HivePUD are combined.
Last time I won quite a lot of delegations for this month.
It's really worth to join. Make sure you read the rules in the announcement posts.

I'm saving my hive for the 1st of December.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Isn't it nice feeling for winning it.
Yeah , I participate in it, I guess I was at 22 position.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello, that is a great initiative.

I would be happy to participate in the prize for the upcoming HPUD by delegating 1000-1500 HP until the end of this year.

You can reply to this comment if you are interested.

I think the right way is to contact @victoriabsb, confirm the prize in her blog of HPUD initiative and directly delegate to winners when they get announced.

But delegating me to also work fine if you are not actively tracking here or not much active here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@walterjay that is so awesome!!! 💜💜💜💜 Let me know if you have any particular way you want the prizes to be shared among the winners right now we have only 3 places on the hispanic pool prize but we can work any way you want to 🤗 you can contact me on discord as victoriabsb#2752 or im always on the PALNet server if you want to let me know what you want to do!

@r1s2g3 thank you so much for always be so supportive of this initiative!! 😘

I don't want to be the one to change the rule of the contest, you can allocate the prize to who you want, if you want to split the prize please don't do more than 10 people because I will be doing delegation manually. I will send you a message on discord today so we can talk @victoriabsb

Hello I tried to add you on discord but couldn't find your username victoriabsb#2752. @victoriabsb

Thats weird im on the PALNet server or in the Hive Marketing one im planning on posting the announcement post today so let me know what you want to add to the prize pool and if have any rule for it please!!

Well I will delegate up to 1500 HP to to winners of your choice, you can allocate them however you want. My delegation will be until the end of this year 2020 and I don't have any condition just a preference that I would like to delegate to 10 different person maximum.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask !

I managed to find you on discord PALNET, I think adding you as direct message didn't work because ID names are case-sensitive 😄

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That's interesting I never even thought about delegating to winners - I'll have a look at the main people above.

You know you can power up someone with 10 HP and get another badge? That's something I've been doing the last couple of times.

I've been holding off writing a post about more people on lEO needing to support Hive, I mean LEO is basically Hive after all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I mean LEO is basically Hive after all.

very true, please write because I feel there are few who thinks it is "Hive vs LEO"

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I will have to shortly! I'm kind of in the mood for it.

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