HPUD ,thanks to community and my end goals.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

So today @victoriabsb has announced the winners of HPUD Hispanic and all the winners promised delegations by me are now done.

By the community support , I have done more delegation to the participants that I promised. I asked in my last post that all liquid Hive I generate from the post will be used to get the lease from dlease.io to fund the delegation of the winners in addition of the delegations promised already by me. With the help of payout of that post I am able to top up the winners with total of 189 HP more now.





What my end goals?
I have no idea what max I am looking here but I want to delegate at least minimum of 1000 HP in future. Hope in next HPUD may be I am able to meet my minimum goals.

pg divider 031.png

Please feel free to upvote ,comment and reblog.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Congratulations to all who participated. Look forward to the December PUD>

Your current Rank (30) in the battle Arena of Holybread has granted you an Upvote of 4%

O wow I missed that... will participation for sure next time....

Sure, Every month on first day (take UTC timing),traciyork post about it so you can follow her too.