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RE: Let's do a Giveaway based on Performance

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I used to hold more then 1% of PIZZA:STARBITS pool at one time, Now I exited it. if RS provide incentive in pool then it will be great . To get benefit of price movement , I like to keep token with me.

Fees earned from the pool might not be worth then holding your own token.

When you have to buy large just put a strong bid order, it generally get filled but yes , wait time may go upto 24 hours.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


1% might not be enough to see any significant rewards and do averages if not for a long time (+60 days).

Currently, the one I am giving here as an example, just on fees is around 30% APR lately, but that's because the volume has increased so much. Its all about volume on pools. Price and rewards are just an artificial way of starting the pool. Its still nice yes... but the focus of one that wants the long term and holds the token should be holding larger quantities of tokens on pools that have large amounts of volume. It will then payoff when the time is right (assuming volume keeps high).