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RE: Hive has entered a really...really attractive area.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Just going for my HPUD that your post caught my eye.

I am growing my account in Hive using Hive earned by posting, curating and my gaming activities(a big source of Hive income for me, TBH).

With daily showing up and some engagement , I am getting some upvotes also (no more struggling in cent's payment) and I want to build my Hive, Leo, CTP,NEOXAG ,Splinterland and Dcity empire gradually with time that one day I can earn more here than my job.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sounds like a plan to me. Good luck bud persistent ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yup, a very long term one. May try to building on ETH goals ,once LEO goal is acheived.