Solana should not be overlooked.

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Solana should not be overlooked.

In the crypto space, a narrative that went against Solana is that Solana is a VC (Venture Capitalist) chain and many crypto enthusiasts outrightly reject it. Also, FTX holds a large amount of Solana that it wants to sell to the market, which also created fear that Solana prices can tank to rock bottom when FTX sells its Solana stake. As far as the analysis shows FTX has now already sold its liquid/"unlocked" Solana (so no fear of Solana getting dumped) and in the current market, Solana is now at comfortably number 6 in the top 10 cryptocurrencies.


If we see the price journey of Solana for the last 180 days, it is phenomenal as Solana did 5x in this period from $14 to the current $70 (or $70+) .


This 5x journey of Solana also accommodates the FTX selling all of its liquid Solana tokens. Whatever Solana tokens that FTX now has are locked and cannot be sold before the year 2027, which makes investors and Solana enthusiasts bullish on Solana.

Solana Ecosystem.

I found the Solana Ecosystem interesting with many dapps built on it, that range from Infrastructure, Defi, NFT, and Social media.
You can visit the Solana Ecosystems page to explore it in more depth. JITO , one of the projects in the Solana ecosystem is currently very hot and widely talked about.

Is Solana is next ETH killer?

I guess, a couple of years back, this was associated with EOS, then Cardano, and now Solana is filling this narrative. Only time will tell how far Solano will go. any investors are really looking at Solana as a "better" replacement for ETH due to its capabilities. Though Solana cofounder gives a very balanced view on his tweet

"Don’t bring back last cycle “eth killer” bs. It’s lame. Pareto efficient technologies can have overlapping features and will compete, but that’s all ok. I don’t see a future where solana thrives and somehow eth dies. I am such a techno optimist that I am certain that eventually danksharding will have enough bandwidth for all of solana’s data."

My 2 cents.

As of now, I do not own any Solana, nor my post is recommending to buy Solana. My point is fair and simple, that a top 10 cryptocurrencies are always worthy of "DYOR" and based on our research and "gut" feelings, we can make a decision.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I am always skeptical about any so called ETH killers. It doesn't really seem to work out and I don't trust it because of FTX. When there were issues, they actually paused the network (back when FTX was funding them) to get back on track.

Yeah, All of the ETH killers are struggling. As I already mentioned , Solana has lot of backlash for being VC chain.


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I don't know if Solana will be able to match Ethereum, the network is congested for a couple of days already but at least the hype is there. I do not own Solana but I do own tokens like RAY built on SOL.

Nice, I read somewhere 2-3 low marketcap gems in Solana, I guess RAY was there.


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